
Breast-specific gamma imaging in a breast cancer center: adjunct to characterization of suspicious lesions and supporting therapeutic decisions

Thomas Meissnitzer and Matthias Wolfgang Meissnitzer

Perception and characterization of breast lesions are decisive for radiologists. Structural breast changes are assessed with morphologic imaging modalities, which are also used to guide biopsies of breast lesions. However, the biologic behavior of a breast lesion cannot be estimated reliably with these techniques - and if at all, then only indirectly, for example by evaluation of the margin characteristics. By prospectively introducing Breast-specific gamma imaging (BSGI) in the work-up of suspicious breast lesions, we gained information about metabolic alterations in breast lesions, which were initially detected with conventional modalities. Due to positive correlation between the degree of radiotracer uptake of a breast lesion and its aggressiveness, the diagnostic and therapeutic approach can be influenced.
