
Pharmaceutical Process and Design of Novel Drugs

Anna Grandas*

Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing is a peer-reviewed journal addressing all issues relating to bioprocessing in the development and manufacture of healthcare products.International Journal of Bioprocessing and Biotechniques aim is to make on-going research work and study available for all readers, as a platform and source for the scientists, research scholars, students and other healthcare practitioners in the fields of bioengineering, biomedical engineering, bio manufacturing, molecular engineering, food processing. A bioreactor alludes to any produced gadget or framework that bolsters an organically dynamic environment. In one case, a bioreactor is a vessel where a compound cycle is completed which includes creatures or biochemically dynamic substances got from such living beings. This cycle can either be high-impact or anaerobic. These bioreactors are ordinarily round and hollow, going in size from litres to cubic meters, and are regularly made of pure steel. It might likewise allude to a gadget or framework intended to develop cells or tissues with regards to cell culture. These gadgets are being produced for use in tissue designing or biochemical/bioprocess engineering.
