
Diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound.

Alfredo Tirdo

Hepatobiliary disease patients are evaluated by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). In some cases of portal hypertension, the procedure can be used to diagnose esogastric varies and assess the prognostic significance of the collateral circulation in individuals with this condition. When used in conjunction with the Doppler method, EUS can be utilised to direct injectable sclerotherapy and to confirm that varies (especially fundal varies) have been eliminated after endoscopic treatment. Doppler-EUS can also be used to measure the hemodynamic changes caused in the collateral circulation by vasoactive medications. In order to diagnose localised liver lesions, per hepatic adenopathy, and to assess biliary tract illnesses, fine-needle aspiration under EUS guidance is helpful. Future development of new indications is possible with sufficient experimental validation.

Despite receiving the most standard therapy possible, pancreatic adenocarcinoma is an aggressive cancer with terrible prognoses. Therefore, in order to give new pathways of care, the treatment of this malignancy necessitates the employment of creative tactics in addition to established medicines. Here, we report a method for directly injecting both cutting-edge and established treatments into pancreatic cancers utilising endoscopic ultrasonography. We go into detail about the justification for this tactic as well as all the advantages it offers. Then, we go into great detail about our approach, including how we injected the AdV-tk adenoviral vector to produce an in situ vaccination effect.
