
Iatrogenic giant left anterior descending coronary artery pseudoaneurysm with contained perforation following percutaneous coronary intervention

Mofassel Uddin Ahmed, Jai Ajitchandra Sule, Kang Giap Swee, Li Quan and Theodoros Kofidis

Giant iatrogenic coronary pseudoaneurysms are very rare. Left untreated, they may cause serious adverse outcome. We present a case of a male patient with recurrent NSTEMIs and coronary interventions who developed a large LAD artery pseudoaneurysm with contained rupture. He underwent excision of the large proximal LAD pseudoaneurysm, excision of the previous LAD stent, ligation of proximal LAD, and coronary artery bypass grafting with LIMA-LAD graft. He subsequently recovered and was stable on follow up. In conclusion, an aggressive surgical strategy, though difficult, is likely the best means of management for lasting benefit.
