
Influence of job satisfaction on Job performance among Primary health care workers in Ekeremor local government Area Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Adeyanju, AwoniyiBabafemi

Job satisfaction among health workers, quality of service rendered and patient satisfaction is relevant in building a functional and health system (Buciuniene, Blazeviciene, Bliudziute, 2005). Job satisfaction influences the quality of health care services since the presence of workers, the work environment, and the overall goals of the organization as well as the performance of the workers may have some interaction on the final output. The effectiveness and performance of organizations therefore depend upon the effectiveness and performance of the human force of that organization and one of the important issues in every organization is the job satisfaction of staff (Shahnazi, Daniali&Sharifirad, 2014). The quality of health-care workers depends on the level of job satisfaction (Kinzl, Knotzer, Traweger, Lederer, Heidegger, Benzer, 2005; Khamlub, Harun-or-Rashid, Sarker, Hirosawa, Outavong& Sakamoto, 2013). This study seeks to investigate the influence of job satisfaction on job performance among primary health workers in Ekeremor Local Government Area (LGA) of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of this study were to: determine the working condition and job satisfaction of health workers; identify the extent of job satisfaction among these health workers; determine the relationship between age and the extent of job performance; as well as to examine job performance among the health workers. The following hypotheses were formulated: There is no relationship between working conditions and workers’ job satisfaction among the health workers in EkeremorLGA; There is no significant relationship between extent of job satisfaction and job performance among the health workers in EkeremorLGA; There is no relationship between respondent age and extent of job satisfaction among   health workers in Ekeremor LGA; There is no relationship between educational level and extent of job satisfaction among the health workers in EkeremorLGA
