
Natural Products 2020 Conference

Alessandra Ammazzalorso

The International Conference on Natural Products & Traditional Medicine was organized during July 13-14, 2020 through Webinar and was a great success.


We sincerely thank all our Organizing Committee Members, Supporting Journals, Media Partners, Keynote Speakers, Speakers, Delegates and all well-wishers for their constant support and participation in the Natural Products 2020 Webinar.


The conference was characterized by the participation of brilliant and accomplished scholars, delegates and talented students from more than 10 nations, who were the catalyst for pushing this event into the success path.


The conference was based on the theme "Research Progress of Natural Products and Future Perspectives of Traditional Medicine in the time of COVID-19". The conference instilled a firm relationship in the Natural Products & Traditional Medicine domain with future innovations. The shared understanding of concept and applicability would also promote corporate partnerships to facilitate research accelerations.


The conference proceedings were organized through various scientific sessions and complete presentations, of which the following Speakers were emphasized as Keynote speakers:


Alessandra Ammazzalorso, G.d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy


Fai Chan, Deli Aroma LLC, USA


Ayed Dera, King Khalid University, KSA


Francislete Melo ,UNICEUB, Brazil


We are very much obliged to all the participants for supporting us to strengthen the research world!
