Nursing Studentsâ Acceptance and Satisfaction on the Utilization of Learning Management Systems (LMS) as a Learning Productivity Tool for Generation Z
EmyD. DelgadoThe use of digital technology is empowering and has created a wide array of information and knowledge products, and services in higher education institutions, depending upon the state-of-the-art of information communication technology systems they utilize. Likewise, the development in digital systems has provided technological solutions for these academic institutions and information management organizations to access education and knowledge in virtual environments. The utilization of Learning Management System or LMS as a learning pedagogy, adjunct to the conventional face-to-face discussion, is ubiquitous throughout university education. The globalization on its utilization is widespread, ranging from secondary education to higher education institutions. Locally, more universities use LMSs as a learning tool to keep track with the generation X and Y learners. Teachers are required to undergo extensive training and workshops to keep up with the demands of educational technology. Meanwhile, the use of computers and mobile phones as access to academic learning becomes essential elements to HEI’s, especially in schools of nursing.The study utilized a Descriptive Cross Sectional Research Design and selected three nursing schools that utilized LMSs as a learning productivity tool for at least three consecutive years. The participants of this study included the undergraduate nursing students in three selected nursing schools who were enrolled between second semester and summer from 2018 to 2019 and were taking up nursing management courses. There are 141 total respondents who participated in this study. The participating schools were those who have been consistently utilizing learning management systems for at least three consecutive years.