
Program Against Cancer in India

El Hadji Seydou Mbaye

Worldwide, one in eight deaths is thanks to cancer. Projections supported the GLOBOCAN 2012 estimates predict a substantive increase new cancer cases per annum by 2035 in developing countries if preventive measures aren't widely applied. consistent with the planet Health Organization (WHO), many lives might be saved annually if countries made use of existing knowledge and therefore the best cost-effective methods to stop and treat cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study is to estimate a provisional budget against cancer in low and middle incomes countries, according the GNI-PPP, the cancer incidence and therefore the number of population. Economically country classification is determining with the Gross value (GNI), per capita, Purchasing power parity (PPP), according the administrations of the International fund (IMF), the planet Bank (WB) and therefore the Central intelligence (CIA). Cancer incidence data presented are supported the foremost recent data available at IARC. However, population compares estimates from the US Bureau of the Census. The provisional budget is establishing among the rules developed by WHO for regional and national cancer control programs consistent with national economic development. Provisional budget against cancer is estimated to 17,036,185.5 (thousands of U.S $) for a population of 1,281,935,911 persons in India.
