
Treatment of Febrile Seizures in Children

Julian August

Children aged six months to six years can experience Febrile Seizures (FS), which are manifestations of a fever without an intracranial infection, hypoglycemia, or an acute electrolyte imbalance. FS are the most widely recognized kind of seizures in kids. Even though FS are generally harmless for children, they can be extremely frightening for parents, making it crucial to address parental anxiety in the most sensitive manner. The management of FS in children was the primary focus of this review. The majority of children with FS have a good prognosis and few experience long-term health issues, according to research. Clinical FS is the diagnosis, and it's critical to rule out intracranial infections, especially after a complex FS. Controlling the symptoms and treating the fever are the two aspects of management. After a FS, parents and other caregivers often feel helpless and scared, so it's important for medical professionals to provide them with the right information and direction on how to treat their child's fever. Pediatricians and neurologists need to learn more about FS management and standardize the diagnostic and therapeutic workup because diagnostic tests and treatments are often used incorrectly
